Avaya phone

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I´ve been trying to use an Avaya phone IP4602 with no success.
It correctly registers with gnugk although I notice two strange things.

In the GRQ message the authenticationMode field is set to pwdSymEnc
whereas algorithmOID contains (that is desECB) and
2.16.840.1.114187.1.3 (I think it is something assigned to Lucent).
Gnugk answers with a plain GCF without any clearToken or authenticationMode
field, maybe because pwdSymEnc is not supported, right? Moreover, after the
successful exchange of GRQ/GCF messages, the phone sends an ARQ so as to join a
conference with CID=0x100000000C000030C which leads to an obvious

At this point I try to call the phone. It accepts the
SETUP, but after 200ms it sends together ARQ, CALL PROCEEDING, RELEASE and DRQ
with undefinedReason.

Any idea? Does it require that encryption scheme to work?


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