Now i have managed to resolve the problem on my own. Here is what i did
1. I created a column in my table by the name "Password" as varchar(50). I dont think size of varchar matters here.
2. I placed "allow" or "deny" in the column for every user whose authentication is either allowed or denied.
3. Needs to restart the gatekeeper, i dont know why is that it seems that the code seems to cache all the rows so i am not sure what happends if there are 25000 users (as in my case).
VoaLLLLa works fine for me now.
-Saad Faisal
From: "Saad Faisal" <saad_faisal1976@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sorry about my previous message, i wasnt paying attention to the docs :) . Actually the MySQLAliasAuth doesnt has any PasswordField section(its basically in the MySQLAuth). Now another question is
How can i use the MySQLAliasAuth section , it seems that it is checking an unknown Password column. Do i need to create it in my table, because another close inspection in the code(gkauth.cxx MySQLAuthBase::MySQLInit() ) shows this
PString select_clause(PString::Printf, "select %s from %s where %s = '%%0:id'", (const char *)query, (const char *)table, (const char *)alias );
the query variable has been set to "Password" in the lines just before this one. I am a little confuse in this area, so can somebody shed some light on this issue.
-Saad Faisal
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