I have gnugk running in a computer inside my LAN. The computer is behind a cable modem and a linksys router. The router has all TCP and UDP ports forwarded to my computer where the gnugk is running.
The RAS protocol is not able to complete the registration.
Using ETHEREAL in my computer, in my LAN, I could check that the ATA is sending the GRQ and the gnugk is sending the GCF.
Then it stops there. I never get a RRQ from the ATA.
I think the GCF is getting to the ATA once I can ping it from my computer.
Note that using an ATA in my LAN, everything works fine.
Here you have my config file.
[RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1
[Proxy] Enable=1 ProxyForNAT=1 ProxyForSameNAT=1
[RasSrv::RRQFeatures] AcceptEndpointIdentifier=1
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