I would like to commend you on your intiative, however, I see a slight problem.
Most people who need these kind of services, considering the fact that they are
using GnuGK, would usually write their own Billing software (we did).
In addition, I don't think that people would like to have their H323 information
available on some shared service on the internet, where it is exposed to every
hacker that comes by. As I've been dealing with VoIP in the past 9 months, I deduced
the following: security is a myth with H323, you can steal almost anything. I know that
for a fact, as I've showed a couple of carriers how I can steal minutes from their
Softswitching infrastructure.
However, what I think would be worthwhile would be to establish an H323/SIP
gateway, where people can register their H323 softphones, or their H323 equipment,
and call other SIP clients on the internet for FREE. If you would like to do that, I would
be glad to help you out on this.
Regards, Nir S
Hello all
This is first time I am writing mail in forum.
We have domain name www.itspxchange.com <http://www.itspexchange.com/> and looking forward to get some help to develop whole exchange based on open source to provide free of charge services to various user of voip all over world.
If any one have any idea or have any solution please come forward and help us
With best regards
Ketan Doshi
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