I have heard from a friend that this freeze might have to do with the local sound device. The HP 712/80 sound device is Harmony, and this is quite unstable yet. It might be that gatekeeper tries to contact this local sound device, and because he is unable to, he starts freezing the machine. He had the same problem on a i386, where he had an onboard sound device. The machine froze up, until he installed a soundblaster. Suddenly it ran fine. I imagine this might be the problem. I tried to reinstall gnugk on my machine, however, somehow the deinstall must have erased something necessary to reinstall :-)) apt-get tells me that gnugk is there, but I am unable to start it because stuff is missing which was there before deinstall. No matter, since it is a test machine. I'll just start all over. Tell you about the logs as soon as I got it up. Thanx for all the help!! ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread debugging features you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at www.etnus.com. _______________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@lists.sourceforge.net Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/