I've tried compiling gnugk from source, and initially I didn't have a few of the development libraries installed (pwlib-devel and openh323-devel - which by the way, lacks a version.h file), but now when I do make opt, I get a whole list of errors:
Makefile:175: warning: overriding commands for target `obj_linux_x86_r/gnugk'
/usr/share/pwlib/make/common.mak:334: warning: ignoring old commands for target `obj_linux_x86_r/gnugk'
g++ -DHAS_RADAUTH -DLDAP_HAS_CACHE -DGK_NOANSI -I./ldap/include -D"HAS_LDAP=1" -D"HAS_LEVEL_TWO_LDAPAPI=1" -D"LDAPVERSION=2" -DHAS_WAITARQ=1 -Wall -DP_LINUX -mcpu=i686 -D_REENTRANT -DP_HAS_SEMAPHORES -DP_USE_PRAGMA -DP_SSL -I/usr/kerberos/include -DP_EXPAT -DP_PTHREADS -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -DPBYTE_ORDER=PLITTLE_ENDIAN -I/usr/local/pwlib/include/ptlib/unix -I/usr/local/pwlib/include -DPTRACING -I/usr/share/openh323/include/openh323 -DHAS_IXJ -DHAS_OSS -DMAJOR_VERSION=1 -DMINOR_VERSION=0 -DBUILD_NUMBER=0 -O3 -DNDEBUG -c gk.cxx -o obj_linux_x86_r/gk.o
In file included from /usr/include/ptlib/contain.h:218,
from /usr/include/ptlib.h:137,
from gk.h:22,
from gk.cxx:28:
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:585: parse error before `(' token
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1201: `BOOL' declared as a `virtual' field
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1201: parse error before `(' token
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1214: `BOOL' declared as a `virtual' field
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1214: declaration of `int PObject::BOOL'
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1201: conflicts with previous declaration `int
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1214: parse error before `(' token
/usr/include/ptlib/object.h:1265: syntax error before `operator'
....and on and on...
Is there any special flag that needs to be set, or something else I need to be doing here?
On a related note, when I attempt to use the static version of gnugk, it tells me that it can't locate certain libararies (like libssl.0.9.6). I have libssl installed (libssl.0.9.6b in fact), but isn't one of the main reasons for a static binary concerned with avoiding these kinds of linking problems?
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