Hi everyone, FOSDEM is at the end of next week (22-25 Feb) and it would be nice to have a new Classpath release for then. I suggest we try and roll one out for a week tomorrow (20 Feb). Fingers crossed, I don't expect enough to have changed for there to be too many regressions... The current status is here: http://developer.classpath.org/mediation/ClasspathRelease097 I'll do some regression and smoke testing over the weekend, if not before. I know of at least one blocking bug: http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35168 Let me know ASAP of any patches you think need to go in or bugs you think need to be fixed before the release. Thanks, -- Andrew :-) Support Free Java! Contribute to GNU Classpath and the OpenJDK http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath http://openjdk.java.net