Hi everyone, We've just moved BrandWeg so that it is now housed alongside IcedTea and IcePick on the Mercurial server. You can obtain a copy using: hg clone http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/brandweg A reminder or for those who don't yet know: The BrandWeg project is a fusion point for two Free Software projects: GNU Classpath and OpenJDK. It mirrors the existing IcedTea project in providing a hybrid of the two. However, whereas IcedTea approaches this from the perspective of building and patching OpenJDK, we instead take GNU Classpath as the baseline and bring in elements of the OpenJDK to fill the remaining holes. Patches welcomed ;) -- Andrew :-) Support Free Java! Contribute to GNU Classpath and the OpenJDK http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath http://openjdk.java.net