Hi Xavi,Hi Stefan, Hi Xavi,
Dear all,
I was doing some testing regarding to GlusterFS link files (as they are created by a "move" operation). According to this document: https://www.gluster.org/glusterfs-algorithms-distribution/ If a link file is missing, it should be created after accessing the file.
However, I don't see this behaviour. If I delete (by hand) a link file on the brick, the file is still accessible, but the link file is never recreated. I can do an "open" or a "stat" on the file without getting an error, but the link file is not created.
Is this the intended behaviour? Or am I misunderstanding the above mentioned document?
You shouldn't access or modify the backend filesystems manually, you can accidentally create unexpected problems if you don't fully understand what you are doing.
That said, most probably the access to the file is still working because Gluster is using its cached information to locate the file. If the client mount is restarted, probably the file won't be accessible anymore unless you disable the "lookup-optimize" option (and this should recreate the link file).
Thanks for the quick reply! Maybe I should explain better my motivation for the above mentioned experiments. I have a large production system running GlusterFS with almost 5 PB of data (in approx 100G of inodes). It's a distributed-only system (no sharding, not dispersed). In this system, the users sometimes experience the problem that they cannot delete a seemingly empty directory. The cause of this problem is, that the directory contains leftover link files, i.e. dht link files where the target is gone. I haven't identified yet why this happens and I don't have a method to provoke this error (otherwise I would have mentioned it on this list already.)
What version of Gluster are you using ? if I remember correctly, there was a fix in 3.10.2 (and some other following patches) to delete stale link files when deleting empty directories to avoid precisely this problem. Recently there have also been some patches to avoid leaving some of those stale entries.
If you are still using 3.x I would recommend you to upgrade to a newer version, which have many issues already fixed.
I'm using 9.4 for the servers but my client (fuse) is still on 6.0. I know that's not optimal and I hope to change this soon, migrating everything to 9.6 But my quick & dirty fix is, to delete these leftover link files by hand. (These leftover link files are not being cleaned up by a "rebalance".)
If you only remove the file, you are leaving some data behind that should also be removed. Each file is associated with an entry inside .glusterfs/xx/yy in the brick, called gfid. This entry has the format of an uuid and can be determined by reading (in hex) the "trusted.gfid" xattr of the file you are going to delete:
# getfattr -n trusted.gfid -e hex <file>
If you manually remove files, you should also remove the gfid
Yes, I'm aware of these files. Once I remove the (named) link file, the .glusterfs/xx/yy/.... will be the ones that have zero size and no other hard link. As far as I understand, every file on the bricks has a hard link to .glusterfs/xx/yy/... with the full name representing its gfid. I tend to remove these as well.
The reason for my experiments with link files is: what happens if for some reason I accidentally delete a link file where the target still exists?
In the experiments (not on the production system) I also tried umounting and remounting the system, and I already tried setting "loopup-optmize = off". It doesn't affect the outcome of the experiments.
If after remounting the volume you are still able to access the file but the link file is not created, then it means that it's not needed. Maybe it was one of those stale link files.
Not really... This was the case of the experiment, where I tried to delete the link file and the corresponding .glusterfs/x/yy, stopped the volume, umounted, restarted the volume, remounted, but the link file is still not being recreated. Can you give me one example of those link files (I need the name) and the trusted.glusterfs.dht xattr of the parent directory from all bricks ?
# getfattr -n trusted.glusterfs.dht -e hex <path/to/directory>
Here's one of the stale files:
[root@glubs-01 testvol]# getfattr -d -m. -e hex /gl/lv1lucuma/glurchbrick/scratch/analysis/CLS/N302/N302r001/run11/XMLOUT/N302r001n631_sto100.out.xml getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: gl/lv1lucuma/glurchbrick/scratch/analysis/CLS/N302/N302r001/run11/XMLOUT/N302r001n631_sto100.out.xml trusted.gfid=0x6155412f6ade4009bcb92d839c2ad8b3 trusted.gfid2path.428e23fc0d37fc71=0x33343536636634622d336436642d346331622d386331622d6662616466643266356239302f4e333032723030316e3633315f73746f3130302e6f75742e786d6c trusted.glusterfs.dht.linkto=0x676c757263682d636c69656e742d3900 trusted.pgfid.3456cf4b-3d6d-4c1b-8c1b-fbadfd2f5b90=0x00000001
And here is the trusted.glusterfs.dht of the top level directory of each brick:
trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000b9ec78f7c58cd403 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000e59527f2f148c5e9 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000c58cd404ce451686 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000f148c5eafa0f7a9c trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000ce451687d6fd5909 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000008e8c7fe11af7cb0 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000d6fd590ae29ce547 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000209640c72c05d3e5 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000e29ce548e419069c trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000e419069de59527f1 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000fa0f7a9dfb8b9bf1 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000fb8b9bf2fd07bd46 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000fd07bd47fe83de9b trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000fe83de9cffffffff trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000000000000017c2154 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000017c215502f842a9 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000002f842aa047463fe trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000047463ff05f08553 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000005f08554076ca6a8 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000076ca6a908e8c7fd trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000011af7cb1132b9e05 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000132b9e0614a7bf5a trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000014a7bf5b1623e0af trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000001623e0b017a35fb5 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000017a35fb6191f810a trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000191f810b1a9f0010 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000001a9f00111c1b2165 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000001c1b21661d9aa06b trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000001d9aa06c1f16c1c0 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000001f16c1c1209640c6 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000002c05d3e62d81f53a trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f559000000002d81f53b509f7813 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f55900000000509f781473bcfaec trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000073bcfaed96da7dc5 trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0888f5590000000096da7dc6b9ec78f6
Thank you a lot! -Stefan