BJ Link
- Bridge:
- Download:
- [Sorry Note] Misc, Amye, Atin (conflicting meeting), Ravi
- Amar, Nigel, Shyam, Kaleb, Nithya, Kotresh, Csaba, Xavi, Kaushal, Aravinda, Raghavendra G
4.0 ? Are we good to branch?
GD2 : Not a blocker as it is continuing in another repo
- [Kaushal] Aravinda’s Volgen is in. Helps with different volume types.
- Should also help to get rebalance and heal commands.
- Planning to have a release this week.
- Upstream
master works with GD2 (or GD2 works with master) - [Shyam] RC release packaging requirement? What do we need?
- [kshlm] Need golang on build system. Some more changes in Makefile and build scripts. Other than that don’t see much issues with RPM building.
- Building tarball with all dependencies also may be needed.
- Tarball will contain all dependencies. Fedora may have issues. Have to check with Niels about CentOS.
- AI: Shyam to start mailthread about this with package maintainers.
- Need a quickstart guide - Current guide. Present. Need some more data there. And feedback.
- [kshlm] provide recovery steps for whole cluster goes down.
- [Amar] Need a release and quickstart guide on priority.
- [Shyam] A week after branching is good time
[Atin] Changes for making GD2 understand options across all the xlators are not yet complete. Would that become a blocker for branch out?
- [Shyam] Is it blocker? Looks like it is not blocker, may be allowed to be bug fix post branching. But loosing momentum is a concern.
- [kshlm] Fine with it as its only GD2 which consumes it.
- AI: Shyam to mention it in email about 4.0 branching.
Protocol : Plumbing done, regression failures being debugged. Need another week to have it ready. (See
- From today, not after branching
- AI: check with Wireshark changes need to be done by 4.0 release
- No need to define futurist fops now.
CentOS6 support in 4.0?
- [Kaleb] Concerns with Python/GoLang issues, mostly
- [Kshlm] gd2 doesn’t build on centos6. may work on epel.
- [Nigel] We are ready to move to centos7 on regression. No dependency on centos6.
- [Shyam] Is there a concern from centos SIG? [Kaleb] No.
- This is a community question.
- AI: Need to be checked with community and any downstream concerns for people.
NetBSD support in 4.0?
Other features as tracked in the github lane for 4.0 [Shyam]
- 35 open, 11 closed. Please update.
- Check the milestone link here
- AI: need to send a mail as not everyone concerned are present.
Review focus for patches targetted for 4.0 [Shyam]
- AI: To send a email to start focused reviews.
- Surely need focused effort here, with priority.
Kaushal is speaking at FOSDEM and DevConf - 2018 about Gluster-4.0 GD2.
- Will reach out for reviews of presentation
Current failures of centos6 regression failure?
- [Kaleb] Random failures happening right now
- [Jdarcy] Can you paste the link? Here
- [Nithya] Is it rebased after ssl revert?
- [Aravinda & Kotresh] There were failures on geo-rep test cases, and now mostly fixed. Thanks to Nigel.
- [Nithya] Is it timing related? has the spectre & meltdown patches gone in ? [Nigel] Yes, they are all updated.
- [Kaleb] Patch is just about linking libraries (in makefile), but no code change. Treat it as showstopper, for branching.
- [RaghuG] See some ABORT errors [NigelB] All of them were about timeout, bumped up the timeout.
- [Nigel] AI: Can consider changing the provider.
Upcoming infra changes
- [Nigel] Background story: to be short, no more funding from current provider, and is costlier for the requirement we have.
- We’re working on moving from a static infra to dynamic test infrastructure.
- We’re also switching providers. Currently evaluating new providers
- This move will help us create nodes for chunked regressions on-demand and throw them out after the job is done.
- The test framework and how we log test failures will undergo significant changes due to this.
- I will be pinging some maintainers this week to debug test failures.
- NFS failures currently (2 of them) jdarcy to take a look at gNFS.
- This is the time to talk about NetBSD and our future support for NetBSD.
- Again, a community call.
- [Jdarcy] when was the last time we heard from Emmanuel? [Someone] At least a year?
- Looks like freebsd is similar with compatibility issues compared to netbsd. In that case, please go for it.
- [Shyam] Who would be maintainer if we move to freebsd?
- Treat it as best effort? Get help from community?
- Console output is a current issue of moving to new provider.
Long term roadmaps? What is our plan?
Automation document - Any further comments?
- AI: take it to mailing list, and Nigel is happy to do it
- AI: take it to mailing list, and Nigel is happy to do it
FYI, Launchpad build farm is offline. No ETA for when it will return. Ubuntu 3.10.9 packages are queued to be built as soon as it returns online
- AI: Shyam to start mailthread about this with package maintainers.
- [Nigel] AI: Can consider changing the provider. Also talk about regression failures.
- AI: check with Wireshark changes need to be done by 4.0 release (after the protocol change)
- AI: Need to be checked with community and any downstream concerns for people, for retiring support for centos6.
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