> Does the Windows installation come with any other themes? You can use > `ttk::style theme names` to list all available themes. It contains all these themes in Windows 10 x64. "winnative clam alt default classic vista xpnative" Based of [0] (the best source I could find), "winnative", "vista", "xpnative" are Windows-only but built-in themes and "clam", "alt", "default", "classic" are built-in themes for all OSes. And this is part of the reason I am considering "default" to be the base of the new theme that I want to create instead of "vista". > > > I think it would be nice if we can have a theme picker in the options > > > menu though, so that is something you might want to look into. > > Yes, I thought of adding a menu between "Tools" and "Help". It will > > contain 3 options(system, light, dark) as I said before. > > I think it would be better to put it in the "options" dialog. Ok. > I don't mind carrying themes in the git-gui repo since Tk theming > support is not very well documented or standardized. But please do be > careful of licence compatibility when porting code. No, I want to imitate the look. And I don't actually know much about the license or legal side of the software so I try to avoid it at all costs and start from scratch. Kinda like "Linux is Unix-like, but it doesn't contain Unix's code" - The great Linus Torvalds. The "equilux" theme is GPLv3, but I didn't find a license file in the repo. In the "Help > About" part of Git GUI, you mentioned it being GPL(I think v1). Please include it in the repo too. [0]: https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/List+of+ttk+Themes