Hello, I am new to the concept of mailing lists so please bear with me. I'm a JS developer. I love Git GUI for its minimalism in both size and layout. I have been using Git and Git GUI on Windows for a long time. I think the only thing missing from the "Official" Git GUI is dark mode. I use dark mode on almost all places. Firefox, Discord, GitHub, Outlook, Notepad++, VS Code and even Reddit too. The only place that is missing dark mode in my workflow is Git GUI. Is there any way I can make Git GUI dark mode ? I don't know a lot of Tcl/Tk but I am currently trying to learn it. I did a few edits and made the About page in dark mode. You can look at it here: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/76554862/134190271-d861407a-31be-436d-aac4-9ea3d72f0fb0.png . I have found two threads in the mailing list but those are just dead ends for me. Hence I reached this mailing list.