On 02/03/2010 01:09 AM, Eugene Sajine wrote:
Sorry, your "if message was not saved, abort" is so out of line with any
program I use that this would be highly confusing (maybe "complicated" was
the wrong choice of words).
Frankly, i think it is in line with "git commit"
The fundamental problem is this. The behavior of "git commit" can be
explained in two ways: a) abort if not saved; b) abort if empty. (a)
may be an easier guess from experience (you type ":q!" at the vi
prompt), but (b) is clear from the error message ("commit has empty
message--aborting"). All this is irrefutable.
Now, the scientific method to see which one is correct, would be to try
other commands including "git commit --amend" and see which of the two
hypotheses was right. It turns out to be that (b) is correct and
consistent across various commands; instead you insist that everything
else should be modified to conform to (a). Since git is already
consistent, and since nobody can think of a way to implement your
proposal, there is obvious resistence to any change in this area.
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