El 02/02/2010, a las 21:47, Eugene Sajine escribió:
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Avery Pennarun <apenwarr@xxxxxxxxx>
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Jacob Helwig
<jacob.helwig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:07, Eugene Sajine <euguess@xxxxxxxxx>
When git commit --amend is executed it fires up vi so i can
change the
commit message. If I have something staged, then when I'm exiting
using :q (without doing/writing any changes), it still commits
everything staged with old message.
I believe it should actually abort amending and return to the state
before the "git commit --amend" was issued.
I don't think this is actually the right way to go. A _very_ common
use case for "commit --amend" is to add things to the previous
without changing the commit message at all. Yes, you can avoid
to fire up the editor at all in this case, but it's still a
valid thing to want to do.
I agree and I do this all the time. However, I've also done it
accidentally before I learned the "remove the commit message and
Perhaps what's really missing is more documentation of how to
"unamend" if you change your mind :) I happen to know about "git
reset HEAD@{1}" but it's not terribly obvious.
Well, i understand this logic but it seems to me that the issue is a
little bit deeper than that.
I just realized that the "rebase -i" is doing the same thing.
If you're just exiting the vi using :q without writing changes it will
perform rebase! I'm 100% sure it is not OK.
As has already been pointed out, an extremely common workflow for "git
commit --amend" is to include additional changes that were
accidentally overlooked in the initial commit, and no changes are
made to the commit message.
Changing the behavior would break that perfectly reasonable, widely-
practised workflow, and _that_ would be 100% not ok.
Lucky for you, you've already been provided with two means of aborting
(empty commit message, and non-zero editor exit), so you might as well
start getting used to them.
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