i think you mis-read his series of deliberately mis-contexted letters -
and i think we should stop cc'ing this rubbish now to RMS.
I made my point, I'm out of here.
Jakub Friedl, adresa do konferenci wrote:
email addresses. If you have something to say, say it on-list, is my
principle - don't go behind people's backs, and dont disrupt community
the principle is to stay on topic when sending messages to the list.
commenting on your personal site is not this lists topic.
I don't give a monkey's whether my site conforms to w3c standards - its
a personal site, and it pushes the boundaries of web art. Perhaps the
W3C committee will then come to recognise my standards - that is how the
progression of art and music has always worked. Theory came later.
you probably should pay more attentions to standards - if you are
interested in free software. because free software browsers denpends
on standards heavily. making sites non compliant to standards can make
them inaccessible to people using free software (an other non free
software too). however i do not know if your site is this case. i
didnt check it enough. however Jonathans comment about your site was
very polite and friendly and i do not get why you are so angry about
it. you have the right to do your site in whatever way you choose, its
visitors have the right to comment about it.
and to cite from your own site: "Please feel free to get in contact
with me should you have any comments or issues which you would like to
arrived was attack - particularly from a lurker on this list who decided
to pick on someone privately about an entirely irrelevant matter.
he didnt attack you at all
I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the
GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, female,
name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and I never
get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, was
there are many more girls in the GNU community and there are no problems.
You could have had the opportunity to have an artist's commentary and
some assistance in developing a professional standard tool - you'll have
there are more graphics professionals on the list. it doesnt mean your
comments are not needed. just do not get angry when there is no reason
for it.
for your information, was an unsolicited criticism of my websites in
private email, an abuse of the email features of this list).
the only abuse is this offtopic conversation without any real reason.
people be please more tolerant to each other.
Jakub Friedl
99% of aliens prefer Earth