On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 04:08:09PM +0200, Daniel Egger wrote: I'm submitting a little patch for introduction.xml and minor fixes in the plainhtml.de.xsl.in. Some points to consider: 1. The German Umlauts are really annoying. Are there some pre-processors, which checks the umlauts and replaces them with an utf entity (or the predifined HTML umlauts... what else...)? If not, it think i'll write a little script. I forget them every time... 2. How do i create a better patch? I tried: cvs diff -R help/ > foobar.patch but it looked nothing suitable for submitting. 3. How do you planed the reviewing process. Should i create a patch, submit this to you and you'll check it in the cvs repository? Maybe it'll be better, that any editor has an cvs access. The reviewing process goes on text crosswise. Everyone is checkin the help from another editor? Thats it so far. Tell me if the introduction.xml is okey and i can go any further. Greetings, -- Roman Joost www: http://www.romanofski.de email: romanjoost@xxxxxx
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