carol@xxxxxxxx (2003-07-23 at 1320.11 -0400): > > counsel. Claiming that offering my counsel is "hurting GIMP's > > reputation" is a hamfisted way of telling me to shut up because you > > don't like my opinion. Releasing 1.4 as 2.0 will do more to hurt > what does "hamfisted" mean? Using dict(1): 1 definition found >From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]: ham-fisted adj : not skillful in physical movement especially with the hands; "a bumbling mechanic"; "a bungling performance"; "ham-handed governmental interference"; "could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature"- Mary H. Vorse [syn: {bumbling}, {bungling}, {butterfingered}, {ham-handed}, {handless}, {heavy-handed}, {left-handed}] GSR