So this combination would answer your LAB & CMYK issues and possibly my need to use a greater than 256 color palette then?
No, it would not.
ICC profiling is a VERY different thing that actual "raw" CMYK or Lab data...
Paletizing of an image is also different...
Complaints I remember reading from more "technically inclined" people about tiff were mostly about the lwz compression. I guess while it was not free it was also not the best way to go about doing such a thing.
Yes, that was a legal issue, not a truly technical one. (LZW, not lwz).
However, I read recently about artifacts appearing in compressed pngs, so this might not be the miracle fix I had hoped for.
PNG won't artifact images unless you are palettizing them, which is NOT the default.
LDR -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leonard Rosenthol <mailto:leonardr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> <>