You received the respose you received because the developers of the GIMP work their butts off to produce a good, FREE program in their own time and without compensation. You then call them a bunch of idiots and curse at them without offering much in the way of constructive criticism. If you have such a problem with the GIMP either help make it better or go use something else! Now as for the few constructive comments you made -- Because gimp is a graphics program, most people are already working with a mouse or pointer or some other tool so maybe no one thought about the shortcuts for accessing the menus. The tear-aways are not useless. I personally rarely use them, but I can imagine many situations in which they would be invaluable. If you learn to control your mouse or pen or whatever you will not have problems with them appearing when you don't want them. the configurable shortcuts are extremely convenient and I have often used them myself for functions I access frequently. If you feel compelled to write to this list again in the future, please do so in a polite and constructive manner and without the expletives. Some of us may be offended by your profanity and that isn't about to get you the results you desire. Thank you. bex