I just uploaded the second part of my gimp_edit_fill patches to ftp.gimp.org. As soon as it is moved out of the incoming directory, you should be able to get it as gimp-quinet-000310-0.patch. This second part fixes the Script-Fu scripts so that they are compatible with the new interface to gimp-edit-fill. The full list of changes is described in gimp-quinet-000310-0.patch.README. Besides the simple updates to the scripts, I also fixed a couple of minor bugs, such as scripts that were not saving/restoring the active colors, or logo scripts that were using the active colors without allowing the user to specify them as parameters to the scripts. The only exception is the text-circle script that I left unchanged (using only the active colors). I also changed the interface to the coolmetal-logo script: instead of only having a "seascape" toggle that allows to choose the gradients "Horizon_1" or "Horizon_2", I added a gradient selector because there are more than two gradients that give good results with that script. For the carved-logo script, I added a padding parameter because it can be useful to have more space around the text if you want the background texture to tile correctly. I included a script of mine in the patch, called alien-neon-logo. Feel free to remove it if you do not like it (by the way, how can I make sure that it is sorted correctly in the menus?) I did not test or modify the scripts that were not affected by the gimp-edit-fill changes. Maybe I will do that later. I did not modify the Perl-Fu scripts either, because I am unable to test them on the computer that has my development environment. But it should be reasonably easy to update them semi-automatically. -Raphael