Hello, I'm trying to read one .tif compressed picture and save it under another name not compressed... My little program works near fine but I don't know how to obtain the $drawable. If someone could debug me he would be sympa! #!/usr/bin/perl use Gimp qw(:auto); Gimp::init; $image="Hypnose.tif"; $image2="Hypnose2.tif"; $img=Gimp->file_tiff_load(RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,$image,$image); $drawable=$img->Drawable(); $img->file_tiff_save($drawable,$img,RUN_NONINTERACTIVE,$image2,$image2,0,1); Gimp::end; Here is the message that I obtain: [root@localhost programmation]# ./new_image new_image: function/macro "Drawable" not found in Gimp::Image at ./new_image line 10 (ERROR) [root@localhost programmation]# If someone could tell me what is a drawable I then could enter it manually because my pictures have all the same format and size. Thanks...:)