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Am 01.05.2006 um 06:21 schrieb Dust:
I'm trying to translate GUM from English to Korean.
but I faced some problems.
1. someone change cvs files while I work.
when I made patch file, I just recognized at that time.
(added some italian translations)
That happens all the time and cvs is designed to handle this. As long
as the changes are not in the same line of a file both changes (yours
the the remote ones) get merged in the file automatically. Just make
sure that while you are working on the translation you update your
files often through cvs
2. how do I do to ask to commit?
As far as I know, there's no korean who has the commit authority.
That is not a problem either. There are some people (including
myself) which can do this for you. Just make sure to mail a diff to
the most recent version of the files in the cvs and attach additional
files as images.
The head of the documentation project is Roman, he's usually the one
who does most of the patch handling.
3. I translated just a little bit. Of course I'm doing, and will go
but now I have very small part. Can I ask to add my works on CVS
(If can't, how can I do? day after day.. cvs files will change
again and again..)
yes, of course. Just start with a small portion and let it grow. Just
make sure that the edge you start of with makes sense and fits into
the docs structure. Do you know how working with a project in cvs
works? You actually do work on the files from the cvs, you should
update them very regular. Updating means you merge the changes that
other people commited to the cvs repository with your local copy.
After you did some work to your local files, you have to maks sure
that everything is valid (also but not only in the meaning of xml
docbook validity). If that is done you can create a patch by making a
diff to the files you changed and send that diff to somebody (e.g.
someone told me.
IF you want to add korean translation, at least, you have to have
the 100% translation scripts.(though that's not perfect
translation. it means, just quantity, not quality.)
Is it true?
do I need 100% translation script?
what ist the 100% translation script. Sorry no idea what you mean here.
please, tell and help me.
(I don't know about gimp, linux, cvs, and xml. and I don't have
good english, either.
Well if writing a manual some knowledge about gimp _might_ help.
But because of those, I'll never givp up. -_-;)
p.s. my patch file : http://mr-dust.pe.kr/gimp/gimp-help-2.patch
my works : http://mr-dust.pe.kr/gimp/gimp.zip
I'll have a look into that patch and let you know.
greetings, lexA
새로운 기부 문화의 씨앗, 해피빈
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