Øyvind Kolås writes:
OK,. I suspect the dynamic loading of babl extensions doesn't work
properly on your machine. I have now modified babl in CVS in such a
manner that we can hope GEGL at least runs (albeit slowly) without babl
Do a CVS update of babl, make install it, and then remove all files from
/usr/local/lib/babl-0.0 and see if it is possible to breathe some life
into GEGL.
Yep.. as you said, slooow (esp for anim), but works. Nice!
introspect is rather interesting. I look forward to coding some of the
needed Ops when the system is stable enough in that area. GEGL is a lot
closer to the model that feels natural to me for making images.
Btw, on my machine I almost always use --prefix=/usr, so that was
/usr/lib/babl-0.0/ -- I'm wondering if there is some dogma unknowingly
included that assumes /usr/local. dlopen() usage seems pretty simple; I
haven't compared babl's usage with glib's, but normally these things work
(ie. Gimp colorselector modules and display filters load OK.)
Then again, for GIMP I have to explicitly specify --enable-shared, so
perhaps there *is* something dodgy with my system.