Re: More basic questions

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* Todd Relyea <brewer13210@xxxxxxxxx> [060130 10:17]:
> - Has there been a clear delineation made between the
> functionality of the future GIMP front end and GEGL? 

All image processing (pixel modifying routines) should _eventually_ be
moved to GEGL. The interface to GEGL should be the Directed Acyclic
Graph describing processing operations. (A way to look up available
nodes, and their parameters is needed as well, it might be possible to
recycle some of the PDB (Procedural Data Base) in current GIMP to do

> The todo and bugzilla:
> There are 7 bugs listed in bugzilla, but they're all
> pretty old.  Do they actually reflect things that need
> to be done against the current code base?  

I have not even looked at the bugzilla, my guess is that if we are going
to start using bugzilla again it probably makes sense to start with a
clean slate. I'll try to find time to go through the list and figure out
which bugs can be closed.

> Same question for the 'todo' on the gegl web site and
> CVS.

That TODO was written during the code cleanup this summer and can be
seen as a tentative roadmap written while trying to orient myself in the
code base.

> Lastly, what is the absolute minimum that needs to be
> done in order for gegl to be minimally usable? 

> Reading through the docs and mailing list, it looks
> like some work needs to be done on the buffers.

Yes the buffers is the main outstanding thing right now, this
summer/beginning of the autumn I coded babl
for generic and extendable pixel format (bitdepth and color space)
conversions. This has some overlap with what is already in the
gegl/image/ code which also has code dealing with color models and color
spaces, babl does work (it evolved from code in gggl, and my gggl is
currently using babl).

I do not feel confident enough to attack the gegl/image folder, and thus
have started working with buffer representation elsewhere. contains my buffer experiments. The
result is that I know understand most of the issues that gegl/image is
trying to solve but I have not exercised the code enough to have a firm
grasp of API requirements.

The currently nice aspects of my tile based bufffer in horizon is that
the buffer is unbounded, and it contains an automatically updated image
pyramid for efficient scaled down views.

> then maybe create a very basic front end so people can
> actually play with the library, even if all of the 
> functionality isn't implemented yet.

Once it is possible to set up graphs and process them. A first minimal
set of ops would quite probably be png_load, png_save, display, over and
a single point based op.

/Øyvind K.

«The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed»
                                                 -- William Gibson                  


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