[Gegl-developer] new inventions in square wheels

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It's been quiet lately,. are everybody asleep, cramming for exams or
busy at work? I've been thinking about gegl, hoping that the project
will start it's engines again soon,.. here are some of my experiences
from a toy app/library thing that I'm coding to crystallize some of my
ideas about what gegl could or should be:

I'll try to give a brief tour of the source in this mail,..

http://phpweb.hig.no/~oey_kola/ggfx/image.h and

contains the functions exposed to plugins, for an example plugin (.so) 


or http://phpweb.hig.no/~oey_kola/ggfx/plugins/avg.c

is a nice small example altough it doesn't use the api to the full
extent yet. Short description and calling order for the functions a
plug-in can provide are at

Key features of the API, the image struct is rich on information and
thus should be useful for generalising over many formats.

The API provides wrapper malloc/free and related functions to avoid
leaks in plug-ins.

Images are the only thing passed along the edges (as suggested for
gegl,. ) Parameters are passed and serialisable as strings.

The same api for sources, sinks, filters, multiplexors and demultiplexor


the layer above the filter is the graph, using the graph api it should
be possible to build interesting applications,.. the graph level is
probably where the gegl domain would end if you compare it to this

http://phpweb.hig.no/~oey_kola/ggfx/graph.h contatins the graph API

The code snippet below is enough in the current implementation to change
the brightness and contrast of an image and display it.

main ()
  Graph *graph=graph_new();

  int loadpng_id   = graph_add (graph, "loadpng");
  int bcontrast_id = graph_add (graph, "bcontrast");
  int display_id   = graph_add (graph, "display");

  /* link up the nodes in the graph */
  graph_link (graph, loadpng_id, 0, bcontrast_id, 0);
  graph_link (graph, bcontrast_id, 0, display_id, 0);

  graph_node_setparams_id(graph, loadpng_id, "test.png");
  graph_node_setparams_id(graph, bcontrast_id, "0.2 0.8");

  graph_init (graph);          /* call init functions (checks png type)*/
  graph_csp_negotiate (graph); /* inserts needed proxy filters for
                                  colorspace conversions */
  graph_execute (graph);       /* execute the graph */
  graph_free (graph);          /* free memory used by graph and filters */

in the current implementation I've got a not quite as tidy
implementation of a text file based description language able to read
files like: (the actual script I used for a music video thing I recently
helped create)

# ascii-art representation of graph
#       loadpng $frame:8:0.png                  
#        |
#       forcefmt rgbP8  
#        |
#       tee                                   
#        |\_____________________________
#        |                              \
#       quadtree $high                 quadtree $low
#        | _____________________________/
#        |/
#       avg                             
#        |
#       bcontrast -0.03 0.85
#        |        
#       forcefmt rgb8
#        |
#       clone                            
#        |\_____________________________
#        |                              \
#       savepng output/$frame:8:0.png  display $frame:0:0/$timend:0:0
# forcefmt is currently used to force the conversions before the splits.
# the negotiation algortihm should be made smarter and do as few
# conversions
# as possible, then forcefmt should be unneccesary most of the time.

# the actual processing graph,  plugin [parameters]  [inputs] |
# [outputs]

png_load gfx/abon/$frame:8:0.png                   | %
forcefmt rgbP8                                   % | %
tee                                              % | %low_in %high_in
quadtree $low:0:0                          %low_in | %low_out
quadtree $high:0:0                        %high_in | %high_out
avg                             %low_out %high_out | %
bcontrast -0.02 0.85                             % | %
forcefmt rgb8                                    % | %
clone                                            % | %todisp %todisk
png_save gfx/abon/output/$frame:8:0.png    %todisk |
display $frame:0:0/$timeend:0:0            %todisp |

# start value, end value and stepvalue for looping over the graph
timestart 	 1
timeend 	 4407
timestep 	 1

# interpolated values, time=value pairs

frame 	 1.0=1.0  4407.0=4407.0

high 	 0=145    229=145  449=130  487=187. 488=225   510=171  526=160
high     661=160  662=155  858=155  859=155  1027=155  1028=200
# many more time=value pairs,..

low 	 0=64     229=64.  432=89   449=94   470=34   487=34 
low      488=24   509=111  510=49   526=72   661=72   662=92   858=92
# many more time=value pairs,..


the thing should compile,. and a tarball is located at

Some things I'm considering/ realizing:
 - colorspaces and csp conversions should be completly pluggable
   - which needs a rich image structure to be extendable,.. I think the
	 one used in image.h is approaching something useful,.. of course
	 tiling/multires? and such could be added later.
 - I'm trying to think whether logical clocks (plain incrementing
   counters) could be useful for stating that parts of the graph has
   changed (for buffering and such)
 - By allowing some arbitary data to follow the frame would allow
   passing audio samples, but that is not a concern of the image graph
   IMHO,.. for a video app,.. the audio and video pipelines should be
   seperate,.. or gstreamer could be used, albeit that would probably
   limit other things.
 - If possible plain C should probably be used for the plug-ins,.. GUI
   should be seperate,. could be arranged by automatically marshalling
   serialized data,. or by hand coding an interface.
   This will make it easier for others to start coding, and will keep
   things simple at that level. (where things _should_ be simple),.
   magic happens in higher levels.

any ideas on the general design of this, and my comments on experiences
drawn from this mini project?

/Øyvind K.

  /V\    Øyvind Kolås,  Gjøvik University College, Norway 
 /(_)\   <oeyvindk@xxxxxx>,<pippin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  ^ ^    

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