Turns out it was some code from 0a0c2c3f06227d46b5e9542dfdd4e0fd2d67d894 I acidentally deleted in a rebase, fixed. On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 10:42 PM Xi Ruoyao <xry111@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Mon, 2022-05-02 at 22:07 +1000, Zopolis0 wrote: > > I've bisected the issue (which still happens with only --enable- > > languages=c,c++ instead of --enable-languages=java), > > and 0a0c2c3f06227d46b5e9542dfdd4e0fd2d67d894 is the first bad commit > > apparently. I think I've done it wrong though, and > > that 7a42b1fa1a090ead96cc0f94a8060a9650c810d5 is the breaking change. > > Again, don't guess. You can revert one of those changes or both of them > to try. As I've indicated, you can't just look the diagnostic output > from the compiler and guess "this is the relevant modification, that is > not". You are compiling libstdc++ with g++, so a change to either > libstdc++ or g++ may break the compiliation. > -- > Xi Ruoyao <xry111@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > School of Aerospace Science and Technology, Xidian University >