I've got the compiler on my tablet. It's easier to kick off a build, set it aside and let it run than set up a build host from scratch. If I have to, I can do so...it just seem like a waste, given the fact that I have a working on-device compiler. On June 22, 2015 4:45:43 AM CDT, Jeffrey Walton <noloader@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: >On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 5:36 AM, Cyd Haselton <chaselton@xxxxxxxxx> >wrote: >> At this point...after researching/working on this for most of the >weekend i'm not sure if I should be cross-compiling or not. >> >My question would be, why do you want to do this? > >The NDK provides the tools to perform the cross-compile on a host. So >you don't really need it (or I don't think you need it). > >If you want to compile a program on a tablet or phone, then you would >need the compiler that runs on the device. But that seems awful >painful to me because desktops are so much faster with much more >memory. Just compile on the host and use adb to push it to the >device... > >Sorry about the bike shedding (http://bikeshed.com/). I'm not trying >to tell you what to do. I'm just wondering why you want to do it since >its non-trivial.