The reason i can't use suffixes is because the real code that bothers me is a large automatically generated array of unsigned decimal numbers (all are less than 2^32) and it isn't practical to edit them by hand. Also I can't easily change the tool that generates them to make it place suffixes. On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Luchezar Belev <lukcho@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I think i got it why GCC gives the warning with -std=C90. > It basically wants to say: > "Now that we are under the C90 rules, this literal is 'unsigned long', > but under some newer standard it sould be 'signed long long', so make > sure your code won't broke if you try to compile it under new > standard". > > Now the only question that remains is: why there is no way to disable > the warning?