Hi, I am exploring the runtime parameters of GCC from params.def file. I have the following queries with regard to this: 1. It is observed that for many parameters(almost for 90% ) the max value is given as '0'. How to interepret this? What is the real Maximum value that these parameters can take? 2. For some parameters like max-sched-extend-regions-iters, max-fields-for-field-sensitive etc., the default, min and max value all are '0' (0,0,0). Then what is the necessity to be the parameter, rather it can be the constant. 3. For parameter 'integer-share-limit' the default value is 251 and the max and min values are 2,2. Can you explain how to interpret? 4. The default value for "max-inline-insns-single" is given as 400 in the DEFPARAM, whereas the in the comment the default value mentioned as 450. 5. I hope the values that these parameters can take are discrete numbers only. Then for some parameters where the possible values are binary, for example omega-eliminate-redundant-constraints (0,0,1), use-canonical-types(1,0,1) etc., can they be converted -fno/-f style options? Thanks in advance, Sankar -- View this message in context: http://gcc.1065356.n5.nabble.com/Runtime-Parameters-in-GCC-tp885828.html Sent from the gcc - Help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.