I'm seeing an unexpected undefined reference error from ld(1) for a package which uses icu. The error is dependent on CXXFLAGS, notably the three graphite flags. Although, now that I try to duplicate that, I cannot and get the same undefined refs every time. :-/ The first undefined ref is to: icu::LEFontInstance::mapCharsToGlyphs(unsigned short const*, int, int, signed char, icu::LECharMapper const*, signed char, icu::LEGlyphStorage&) const The definition in icu's src is: void LEFontInstance::mapCharsToGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse, const LECharMapper *mapper, le_bool filterZeroWidth, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage) const and the library has: _ZNK3icu14LEFontInstance16mapCharsToGlyphsEPKDsiiaPKNS_12LECharMapperEaRNS_14LEGlyphStorageE which I presume splits out as: E PK Ds i i a PK NS_12LECharMapper E a R NS_14LEGlyphStorage E which seems to match, presuming PKDs is a pointer to ushort, and a is a signed char. Strace(1) shows that ld(1) reads the correct files, so it isn't due to old stuff hinding on the fs. This is with gcc 4.7.2. -JimC -- James Cloos <cloos@xxxxxxxxxxx> OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6