On 10 August 2011 04:15, Jeffrey Walton <noloader@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi All, > > How does one get all warnings out of GCC? -Wall does not do it, and > -Wextra does not do it. Is there a -Wall++ or -Wextra++? I find it > maddening I can't get GCC to give me everything (I can chose to back > off what does not matter at a later date). Or maybe worded > differently: I can't figure out what makes up 'everything' in GCC in > the context of warnings. > > Even better, I want a method that works now and in the future. That > is, when a warning is added to GCC, it is also added to -Wall++ so I > don't have to go to specify -Wall++ -Wnew-warning? They're all listed in the manual. If you really want every warning, some of which give too many false positives or are only useful to some people, then just go through the manual and add them all.