On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Jeffrey Walton <noloader@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi All, > > How does one get all warnings out of GCC? -Wall does not do it, and > -Wextra does not do it. Is there a -Wall++ or -Wextra++? I find it > maddening I can't get GCC to give me everything (I can chose to back > off what does not matter at a later date). I don't think there is such switch, and for good reason. It's usefulness would be pretty low, as "everything" would most probably mean, that some options with n levels should be set to max. I tried to compile code with such settings and "fix it", so no warnings would appear. I gave up, amount of seemingly bogus warnings stemming from some obscure, though probably valid, optimizations is gigantic and in most cases fixing them makes code unreadable. Of course YMMV. -- Jędrzej Dudkiewicz I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it. It never does just what I want, but only what I tell it.