Hello GCC folk, Recently I fel prey to my urge to plunge into a new field of development. After looking around a bit in various projects (QEMU, Linux Kernel, Various Drivers, Coteboot), I had a look at GCC. For most of these projects I made a very small test (you know, one that makes you smile like your first 'hello world'). During this time I got seriously intrested into GPL compatible Linux Kernel Development. But, just a kernel is not enough.. I wanted to learn a bit more about the entity that compiles this kernel, yea you guessed it, the GNU Compiler Collection. And this I started my own little 'hello world' project for GCC. Thus I wrote a Mission Statement, this mission statement said: "I want to extend GCC with the function to use the #nop and #dbgbreak preprocessors to implement nops and breaks in the application". I know this can easily be done by the following code: #ifndef nop #if __x86__ #define nop asm("nop"); #endif But I want more then that, I just want my own 'hello world' preprocessor. I tried reading the sources and the documents but I got a bit dazed. After reading about back-ends and plugins I was wondering what I'd require for a objective as this? And where can I find decent demo implementations of this or documentation? I really hope that someone can point me at the right direction. Kind regards, --Illiac