Hi all, This might not be the place but IÂm lost and have not a clue even where to start digging. I have little programing experience but more than none. TurboPascal7 for DOS, Scheme/Lisp, VisualBasic (office) and a little C++. But really, not a lot of experience. I can figure things out but Google-ling GCC, GNU, OpenGL, SDL, Make etc seams to be to big of a pile to dig in. I would like to play around with and then compile the GNU OpenSource project/app Gravit. This is originally compiled with GCC / GNU Make but that is quite abstract to me even thou I can handle the Dos promt. So now I looked for alternative windows comilers with GUI and have come across Code::Blocks and Dev-C++ to mention two. Code::Blocks has drawn more of my attention. Gravit on the web... Site: http://gravit.slowchop.com/ Program: http://gravit.slowchop.com/dist/gravit-0.4.2-win32-installer.exe Source code: http://gravit.slowchop.com/dist/gravit-0.4.2.tar.gz Now I've dragged the gravit's main.c and gravit.h into Code::Blocks (I allso tryed to drag all in source code provided c-files and h-files but also doesn't seam to help). It wont compile succesfully and I think I understood I need some kind of SDL and OpenGL files. Google this gives me thousands and thousands of hits and really doesn't help me. So I would really need the mercy of a real programmer to guide me step by step to import this source code into a project and compile it. I could then start look into and play with the code. The program to use could be I guess CodeBlocks or other if necessary. I've installed MinGW but it executes only with the error that msys-1.0.dll is not present. ??? Make install but then what? What do I execute? No GUI? GCC? Can I use Code::Blocks? Where do I get the OpenGL and SDL files needed? I belive IÂve found their oficial sites but wich of all downloadable files is the one I need? So, I'm quite lost and in great need of a patient coder to learn some basic steps. Sincerely Emanuel -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Compile-SourceCode-using-OpenGL---SDL-%28Gravit-0.4.2%29-tp30541429p30541429.html Sent from the gcc - Help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.