On 27 December 2010 19:56, Oliver Kullmann wrote: > > Okay, we gave up on that, and just want to use what the manual says: > > ----------------- > Alternatively, if a GMP source distribution is found in a subdirectory of your GCC sources named gmp, it will be built together with GCC. > Alternatively, if a MPFR source distribution is found in a subdirectory of your GCC sources named mpfr, it will be built together with GCC. > ---------------- > > Not clear what a "source distribution" precisely is, but the build starts promissing when > providing the sources like so: > >> ls gcc-4.4.5/gmp/ > gmp-5.0.1.tar.bz2 >> ls gcc-4.4.5/mpfr/ > mpfr-3.0.0.tar.bz2 This is wrong, the gmp directory should contain the extracted contents of the gmp-5.0.1.tar.bz2 file. Similarly for mpfr. > By the way, extracting the archives, resulting in > >> ls gcc-4.4.5/gmp/ > gmp-5.0.1 >> ls gcc-4.4.5/mpfr/ > mpfr-3.0.0 > > yields exactly the same error. Still wrong. You need to do: mv gcc-4.4.5/gmp/gmp-5.0.1/* gcc-4.4.5/gmp/ rmdir gcc-4.4.5/gmp/gmp-5.0.1 And similarly for mpfr. Usually I do tar xjf gcc-4.4.5.tarbz2 tar xjf gmp-5.0.1.tar.bz2 ln -s ../gmp-5.0.1 gcc/gmp I wrote a makefile to automate this recently: http://advogato.org/person/redi/diary/229.html just say: gmake -f gcc-config.mk GCC_VERSION=4.4.5 GMP_VERSION=5.0.1 MPFR_VERSION=3.0.0 (That makefile will also download mpc, needed for building recent versions of gcc, I should make that dependent on the GCC_VERSION variable)