Am Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007 09:22 schrieb Walter Kasberg: > Is there any addition which is easy to handle to plot simple grahics (lines > and text) on screen from a gcc program. > If possible it should not need an X-window since the final program has to > run on a windows system. (Normally I am working on Mandriva linux). Actually graphics is absolutely no topic for gcc. It is "just" a compiler. If you want to use graphics in your programs, running on windows, while possibly developing with linux you should look at GTK+ and Qt or wxWindows. GTK+ is a C-API which knows about some abstract window management and graphic routines. Qt and wxWindows are both C++. All those libraries aren't that simple, but very capable. As far as I can say, there is now really easy method to plot around on the screen, since systems like to have control over what the user sees on his screen, regardless of X-Windows or MS-Windows. Of course there is a svgalib that can communicate with the graphics card directly, but I fear there is no way to have it working on Windows. > > Walter -- ================================================== Ingo Krabbe ASK UNIX Systems Burggrafenstraße 3 44139 Dortmund Telefon 0231 4770185 FAX 0231 4770186 E-Mail ikrabbe.ask@xxxxxx Fingerprint EE5A 6533 EE5E 8F66 EC20 C56A 35FC B736 18FD EB5A ==================================================