none none wrote:
> I have this very peculiar error when I try to make gcc for cross
compilation with target a powerpc
> on my Ubuntu 7.0.4 box. I keep getting the error:
> make[2]: powerpc-linux-ar: Command not found
> and then I export the path with the command:
> export PATH=$PATH:/opt/powerpc/bin
What will be told if you simply write:
sudo powerpc-linux-ar --version
as a command? Is the command found or not after first using the
'export' for redefining PATH?
Usually the $prefix/bin will be puts into the PATH definitions in the
startup-scripts so when opening
a new terminal session the PATH is right and includes ALL the required
search places...
> I configure gcc with the command:
> sudo /home/idipous/Desktop/gcc-4.1.0/configure --target=powerpc-linux
> --disable-shared --disable-threads --enable-languages=c --with-newlib
The 'sudo' probably starts a new shell session as 'root', reads the
startup scripts for root and uses the
PATH got from them... And your earlier 'export' command probably was
totally vain and forgotten...
BTW, what is your goal for the $target ? Someone using Ubuntu 7.0.4/x86
or .../x86_64 could
be expected to be interested to crosscompile to Ubuntu 7.0.4/PPC but
your configure command
clearly tells this not being the case at all! A
Ubuntu/x86-X-Ubuntu/PPC cross-GCC build will
succeed in only one build step, producing C/C++/Fortran/Java etc.
compilers and all the shared libs
with threads support etc.