Hi, I'm having issues with compiling gcc when math.h is included. I have tried many switches to include math.h, like -lm, -ffast-math, -m128bit-long-double, -m96bit-long-double but everytime it gives me the following errors: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c:/mingw/include/math.h:276: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for `x' c:/mingw/include/math.h:315: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for `_x' c:/mingw/include/math.h:344: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for `x' c:/mingw/include/math.h:356: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for `sinl ' c:/mingw/include/math.h:356: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for ` parameter' c:/mingw/include/math.h:359: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for `cosl ' c:/mingw/include/math.h:359: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for ` parameter' c:/mingw/include/math.h:362: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for `tanl ' c:/mingw/include/math.h:362: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for ` parameter' c:/mingw/include/math.h:365: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for ` asinl' c:/mingw/include/math.h:365: error: short, signed or unsigned invalid for ` parameter' .......... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The issue seems to be not accepting "long double" format somehow in math.h file. The gcc compile command used for x86 target is as under: >gcc -I "c:\program files\teradyne\ig-xl\3.64.50\inc" -mdll -DBUILD_DLL -O3 -c -fno-exceptions -lm -ffast-math -m128bit-long-double -m96bit-long-double *.cpp Any help on this problem is appreicated. Thanks, - Nirav