D Canfield wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
My goal is not to bash the project here. I'm just saying that I for
one am totally lost as to what direction the project is headed in,
and based on the amount of back and forth conversation on this list,
it seems a lot of people are in the same boat. Is there some vast
repository of design goal and policy documents that I'm missing
http://fedora.redhat.com/About. Of course end users have different
opinions on the project.
I re-read all of that before posting last night. My point is more
that there are really no guidelines to how the project moves in terms
of development. What does a "stable" release mean to users, for example?
Fedora in general tries to stay close to upstream as much as possible.
"stable" here would mean robustness and not stagnant or frozen
packages. Fedora does not use the term "stable releases" formally to
avoid this confusion. http://fedora.redhat.com/About/schedule/. A GA
would generally mean that these packages are considered to be robust and
consumable for end users. If they are not robust or does not satisfy the
typical use cases yet, they would in general be disabled by default.
This was the case for example SELinux in Fedora Core 3 or Network
Manager in any of the Fedora releases so far.
The kernel and KDE seem to roll right along in a stable release, but
other packages appear to be frozen.
Depends on the package maintainers and whether the updates are
considered to be intrusive by them. Intrusiveness would be a measure of
modularity, packages dependencies, number of developers and package
maintainers that would have to be involved in any given set of updates,
estimate of QA work, potential regressions etc.
I've also seen reference by Red Hat developers from time to time
that a "design goal for the upcoming FCx is to..." Is this info
floating around somewhere, or just water-cooler chat by RH employees?
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RoadMap. Some of these goals might not be
documented in detail but you can always ask in the fedora-devel list if
you need more specific details.
Am I being clear about this at all? To me, it seems that the About
page has a mission statement and some feature highlights, but nowhere
in the wiki can I find anything along the lines of true project
management. I guess that's what I'm getting at. And again, I'm not
saying that what's happening now isn't working, but just that it seems
we're sending mixed signals to people.
I dont see any inconsistency in the information provided that would
result in mixed signals. There might some information missing and if
thats case, provide me with a good list of questions that you would like
to see answered within the project pages and I will try and get the
information included. Note that the primary Fedora website is being
transitioned from http://fedora.redhat.com to http://fedoraproject.org
as indicated in the front page so some of the information might be
missing in the current website.
You can find the current status of this transition in the schedule and
meeting minutes among other details at
Fedora Bug Triaging - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers
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