Re: Criteria proposal: reword beta upgrade package requirement footnote

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On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 5:56 PM Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
But we *don't* only care about that. We *do* want to make sure that
upgrade doesn't suddenly turn your KDE install into Workstation, for

OK. What if we made it more explicit, since this is clearly one of the major goals of this criterion? What about this:

The upgraded system must identify as the same Edition/Spin and present the same working environment as the system before upgrade (unless that change is intentional).
The upgraded system must include any Fedora-built packages that were installed before upgrade (unless those packages were expected to be removed by an intentional packaging change [1]).
The upgrade process may also add packages that, in the new release, are newly included in package groups that were installed before upgrade.

[1] E.g. a package is obsoleted by a different one; a package dependency is no longer required; a package is dropped from a package group; a package is retired and its dependencies can no longer be satisfied; etc.

I'd also like to have the text above be moved from a footnote and be included in the main criterion text instead (except [1], that could be a footnote). The instructions seem to be too important to be hidden in a footnote. We should use footnotes for clarifying, but not for hiding core requirements.
I phrased it as 'may' for practical reasons - I'm not sure all
supported upgrade methods actually do this. If someone wants to check
that both dnf system-upgrade and GNOME Software upgrades actually do
this, we could make it 'must', I guess.

I expect this to be broken with the switch to DNF5, sadly, at least in my limited experience. I'd love to have "must" in there, but that should probably be a standalone discussion.

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