Re: Criteria proposal: reword beta upgrade package requirement footnote

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On Thu, 2025-01-16 at 12:51 +0100, Kamil Paral wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 8:41 PM Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > Hi folks! I decided it's finally time to knock this action item off my
> > todo list...
> > 
> > Last cycle, we had a proposed blocker[1] which relied on a footnote to
> > the Beta upgrade criterion which was added way back when we first set
> > up the Editions:
> > 
> > "The upgraded system must include all packages that would be present on
> > the system after a default installation from install media, plus any
> > packages the user previously had (minus any obsolete content)"[2]
> > 
> > We had a detailed discussion about this at the review meeting[3]. The
> > text does seem to cover the proposed blocker as written, but we didn't
> > think it was really meant to. Per sgallagh, the intent of this footnote
> > was "to guarantee that upgrades from F20 -> F21 would specify a
> > preferred edition and then guarantee that they would get everything
> > from the default install of that Edition plus keep whatever else was on
> > their system (i.e. don't reset them to a default install)".
> > 
> > At a subsequent team meeting[4], we talked about it again, and I
> > volunteered to do a rewrite. So, I propose we change it to:
> > 
> > "The upgraded system must include any packages that were installed
> > before upgrade, unless the package was obsoleted. The upgrade process
> > may also add packages that, in the new release, are newly included in
> > package groups that were installed before upgrade."
> > 
> Sorry, I might still be confused by this discussion, so bear with me if I'm
> talking nonsense. But when reading "guarantee that they would get
> everything from the default install of that Edition plus keep whatever else
> was on their system", I'd modify the proposed text as follows:
> "The upgraded system must include any packages that were installed before
> upgrade, unless the package was obsoleted."
> into
> "The upgraded system must include any user-installed packages that were
> installed before upgrade, unless the package was obsoleted."
> This makes it clear that we care only about packages that the user
> explicitly installed on top of the system, meaning we don't care about
> default system packages, or dependencies for user-installed packages (that
> would answer Miro's question).

But we *don't* only care about that. We *do* want to make sure that
upgrade doesn't suddenly turn your KDE install into Workstation, for

> "The upgrade process may also add packages that, in the new release, are
> newly included in package groups that were installed before upgrade."
> into
> "The upgrade process must also add packages that, in the new release, are
> newly included in package groups that were installed before upgrade."

I phrased it as 'may' for practical reasons - I'm not sure all
supported upgrade methods actually do this. If someone wants to check
that both dnf system-upgrade and GNOME Software upgrades actually do
this, we could make it 'must', I guess.

> This makes sure that you "get everything from the default install of that
> Edition", as originally specified (with the exception of default packages
> which were intentionally removed by the user, because it makes sense to not
> return them back on each upgrade -> let's talk just about new additions).

It doesn't really do that, though, or at least not clearly, because
it's talking about adding new packages from 'groups'. I added it mainly
because I know some upgrade mechanisms do do this, and it seemed a good
idea to explicitly cover in the criteria that it's OK.
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
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