On 08/06/2014 03:23 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
On 2014-08-06 11:43 (GMT-0500) Kevin Martin composed:
Hmm, I have biosdevname installed (and always have) and have never
put net.ifnames=0
anywhere that I'm aware of.
I've included net.ifnames=0 on installer cmdline for every distro I've
installed for over a year. NAICT, Anaconda ignores it. I don't
remember exactly how on Fedora I get eth0, possibly as a result of
editing and renaming /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XXXX to
ifcfg-eth0, but from earlier installations carried forward into my
Rawhides I do have the following also:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 4 2013
I see on
that that name has inexplicably been replaced for systemd v209 & up by
For the record, nmcli will do this without breaking a sweat. For example:
[root@g55 ~]# nmcli con edit ed0fea4d-ed28-4fdb-9a8c-c131bd78d030
===| nmcli interactive connection editor |===
Editing existing '802-3-ethernet' connection:
Type 'help' or '?' for available commands.
Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description.
You may edit the following settings: connection, 802-3-ethernet
(ethernet), 802-1x, ipv4, ipv6
nmcli> print connection
['connection' setting values]
connection.id: p3p1
connection.uuid: ed0fea4d-ed28-4fdb-9a8c-c131bd78d030
connection.interface-name: --
connection.type: 802-3-ethernet
connection.autoconnect: no
connection.timestamp: 1407336689
connection.read-only: no
connection.zone: home
connection.master: --
connection.slave-type: --
connection.gateway-ping-timeout: 0
nmcli> set connection.id eth0
nmcli> set connection.interface-name eth0
nmcli> save
Connection 'eth0' (ed0fea4d-ed28-4fdb-9a8c-c131bd78d030) sucessfully saved.
nmcli> quit
[root@g55 ~]#
reboot when that is done, it will now be eth0 forever and ever, amen. A
word of caution, however - do not do this if you have already set up
other connections that depend on it, because they will still be looking
for the former devname - which brings up a feature request. Maybe
NetworkManager should have bridge, bond, and VPN connection masters
and/or slaves either use the UUID for the identifier, or update the link
in the underlying DB when IDs are changed.
Dan Mossor
Systems Engineer at Large
Fedora QA Team | Fedora KDE SIG | Fedora Server SIG
Fedora Infrastructure Apprentice
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