On 09/23/2013 10:43 PM, nonamedotc wrote:
While I do think this is a good idea, I am a few immediate concerns on
which I would request a bit more information/guidance -
1. What if a bug is due to a specific combination libraries or builds
in Fedora and not necessarily an upstream issue?
Upstream will point that out and we take care of that then and there.
2. In many cases, abrt does a nice job of collecting all the
information needed to file a bug report? If we are repoting bugs
directly to upstream, people who are not very familiar with the
process might not be able to file bug reports properly, which might in
turn annoy the developers. What would our workaround for this?
Many years ago I started the how to debug process to address exactly
what you express here in the distribution and at that time developers
where pretty annoyed with poor bug reporting here we just continue with
it where I left it but adapt it with and in accordance to upstream
3, Will reporting to upstream be possible for new users?
Yes why should it not be?
When I started using Fedora (or Linux in general, just three years
ago), I had no idea what information was appropriate in a bug report
much less know the various components! So, does anyone else think that
reporting bugs to upstream has the potential to alienate enthusiastic
new users?
I have hard time seeing that happening but given that I have experienced
myself first hand certain openbsd kernel developer behaviour from
upstream there is nothing that prevents that from happening.
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