Re: GMA500 vs. G3 software render

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On Thu, 3 May 2012, Adam Jackson wrote:

On 5/3/12 7:36 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 13:21 +0200, Adam Pribyl wrote:
While I consider the latest development on gma500, present in many Atom
base netbooks, a great success and would like to say thank you to
When you say "latest development", what exactly are you referring to?

OK, your "latest development" is probably somewhere else, than mine, I 
meant F16-17 kernel psb->gma500 that made things work somehow out of the 
I don't know if there's a plan to blacklist systems with sufficiently
'bad' CPU performance from using software rendering, or if ajax is of
the opinion that just about anything should be able to run Shell
acceptably via software rendering and if a system doesn't, there's a bug
that needs fixing...ajax, is there an overview here?
I don't currently have such a plan.  I could, I guess.

My personal opinion is that Core and up are pretty tolerable and anything less kind of isn't but also already kind of wasn't. But I no longer really have any idea whether my threshold for acceptable interactivity matches that of anyone else. Nor do I own any of the
This you will notice, as letters written on the screen via keyboard are
lagging behind what you type and gnome-shell is taking 100% cpu on any action.
non-free Intel kit - on the grounds of not rewarding Intel's duplicity - so I have no real idea what it's like there either.
So if we want to blacklist low performers, okay, that's a thing we can 
do I suppose.  Where do we draw the line?
I am not sure the blacklisting gets a wider support, thou just ideas:

1. if software render is enabled and CPU is less then Core (if you meant Intel Core) or AMD Athlon, use fallback.
2. ask testers during the test period and testdays to report
2a. measure difference between g3 sofware render and fallback (via x11perf?) 2b. check the cpu load caused by process ghome-shell during some simple action like window gnome-terminal switching is higher than 50% for some time?
- ajax
Adam Pribyl
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