Hello list,
I have a package "mup" that currently fails to build in Rawhide due to
the introduction of the following Fedora 20 feature:
My current (broken) spec file has things like the following to fix up
file paths referenced by the upstream makefile:
sed -i -e 's|DOCDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/doc/packages/mup|DOCDIR =
$(PREFIX)/share/doc/%{name}-%{version}|' makefile
It's broken because the "make install" invocation installs things to
"/usr/share/doc/mup-6.1" but RPM in rawhide is now looking for
documentation files in "/usr/share/doc/mup" (unversioned).
My initial thinking was to set %{_docdir_fmt} if it's not already set,
# Set %_docdir_fmt if it's not already defined
%{!?_docdir_fmt: %global _docdir_fmt %%{name}-%%{version} }
And then replace the sed line above with:
sed -i -e 's|DOCDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/doc/packages/mup|DOCDIR =
$(PREFIX)/share/doc/%{_docdir_fmt}|' makefile
This change allows builds to work on EPEL6, but breaks on rawhide
because in Fedora 20, %{_docdir_fmt} is set to "%{NAME}". The %{NAME}
macro doesn't appear to change to "mup" (my package), but "%{name}"
*does* evaluate to "mup". As a result, I end up installing files to the
literal path "/usr/share/doc/%{NAME}".
It's not clear to me whether macros are supposed to be case-sensitive or
not, but if I echo "%{NAME}" and "%{name}" in my .spec file, I get 2
different answers.
I'm a relatively new packager, and would appreciate any advice from the
experts here as to how best to refer to the correct documentation path
(i.e. "%{_pkgdocdir}" in rawhide) without having to maintain 2 different
spec files.
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