Related to the unversioned docdirs F-20 feature [1], here's a couple of questions: 1) Should specfiles be using %{_docdir} or %{_defaultdocdir} when referring to the /usr/share/doc dir? Both seem to work, both are being used. To me %{_docdir} sounds better for some reason. 2) Packages that want to refer to the doc dir created by the special %doc form need to take %{_docdir_fmt} into account. I didn't find a nice way to do it, but here's one uglyish way to define a variable in specfiles that should point to the correct location before and after the %{_docdir_fmt} change (everything on one row): %global pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{?_docdir_fmt:%{expand:%(echo '%{_docdir_fmt}' | tr A-Z a-z)}}%{!?_docdir_fmt:%{name}-%{version}} Do we want to encourage using this in specfiles that need to refer to the dir created by %doc, or does someone have a better solution? Packages can obviously conditionalize stuff on 0%{?fedora} >= 20 but that doesn't sound too nice to me. [1] -- packaging mailing list packaging@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx