Rex Dieter wrote:
Christopher Aillon wrote:
Rex Dieter wrote:
imo, ldconfig example isn't a good one, but I get your point.
Difference being here, messing with ldconfig can horribly break
things. A stale iconcache doesn't break anything, at worst only
affects app startup time (a little).
Stale icon cache has been known to break apps, though. nm-applet is one
of them.
That's either not true, or simply a bug somewhere. Matthias' has stated
gtk2's implementation will(should!) fallback to using brute-force search
when icon cache is not fresh.
I'm not denying it is a bug somewhere that I'm trying to track down.
What I'm saying is that there is the potential for breaking things due
to whatever reasons. Saying that a stale cache does not cause things to
break is a little misleading until the bugs are fixed.
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