Re: kernel-module packaging (was Re: [Fedora-packaging] Re: DKMS into Fedora Extras)

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Am Montag, den 21.02.2005, 14:19 -0600 schrieb Tom 'spot' Callaway:
> For clarity sake, let me state the problem as I see it first:

> So, what should happen with all of these cases?
> Case 4: kernel-2.6.10-3_FC3 and kernel-module-unionfs-2.6.10_3_FC3-1 are
> installed. User runs: "yum update kernel" (either implicitly, or as part
> of a generic update all), and both kernel-2.6.10-4_FC3
> kernel-module-unionfs-2.6.10_4_FC3-1 exists in Fedora Extras.

Case 4.1: What if kernel-module-unionfs-2.6.10_4_FC3-1 is released
one/two days behind kernel-2.6.10-3_FC3? This can happen due to build
errors that first need to get fixed. Or the build system or all that
have access are sleeping. Or simply due due mirroring "problems" when
core/updates/ is already mirrored, but extras/ not yet.


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