[Bug 2209759] Review Request: rocclr - ROCm Compute Language Runtime

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--- Comment #11 from Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> ---
> Which blender are you using, can you send me instructions ?

I just used Fedora's Blender package. Go to edit->preferences to open the
preferences window, then click on "System" on the left then "HIP" on the top.
If you install rocm-hip, check on a system with supported HW, it will be found
in the list. If you then delete the libamdhip64.so symlink, it won't find hip
I'll fix the package for now and we can fix blender later.

> Using fedora's with -DWITH_CYCLES_HIP_BINARIES=ON fails in to build in a non hip area.

I'm not sure about this, I just used the existing fedora package. I guess maybe
you can build blender against hip-devel or rocm-hip-devel to get it to link at
compile time?

> Note: Incorrect Requires : /usr/lib64/amdgcn/bitcode

I can use just "Requires: rocm-device-libs" if that works for you, but rpmlint
complains about explicit-lib-dependency. I guess I can just ignore it.

> could bitcode/ be installed into clang's resource dir ?

Sure I can do that, but it's unrelated to the dependency. Basically the default
is to install to /usr/amdgcn/bitcode, so I patched it to put it in
/usr/lib64/amdgcn/bitcode (arbitrary decision). Putting it in
/usr/lib64/clang/VERSION/amdgcn/bitcode or similiar is fine by me, but I'll
need to land multiple patches in the existing packages to stage it over to the
new location.
Is this blocking for this review? Or can I do it later? I'll start the work on
moving it now if you think it's valuable; I just don't understand the logic on
the clang side and would need to dive into that code a bit to find the best
location for the bitcodes.


Also I spoke with upstream a bit today; in ROCm 5.7, they plan to move hipcc
and hipconfig into its another package
(https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIPCC), so I'll need to submit another
review for that to prepare. Basically the hipcc.pl will be replaced with
hipcc.bin (c++). I also might have put some files in the wrong place, so I'll
follow up with an update in a few hours once I've thought things through a bit.

Let me know if you see any issues. I've made a pull request for a few of my
patches to reduce some of the sed logic in %prep:

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