Re: Infinite Freedom???

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On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Or, why not a Fedora Spin 100% Free ?
Sure. Do you want to do it? can you explain on what you consider 100% Free? 
It is just software or do you want to remove content which isn't modifiable 
including documentation, fonts, images etc.
Note that Fedora has trademarked content which aren't modifiable either.
Unless you make a spin that doesn't have that trademarked content, of 
course.  Which is also (a) possible and (b) encouraged.
We still haven't figured out what exact language we should be using to 
describe the relationship between Fedora and such a distribution -- but 
I'd like to see some test cases to help us figure it out.

Greg DeKoenigsberg
Community Development Manager
Red Hat, Inc. :: 1-919-754-4255
"To whomsoever much hath been given...
...from him much shall be asked"

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